Akşan Yapı
Privacy Policy
Site Content
No guarantee is given with regards to the contents of the site.
Property Rights about Content
All information and data published within the content are owned by Akşan Etüd Müşavirlik Mühendislik A.Ş. and it is forbidden to use them for commercial purposes without permission. Should a commercial usage without permission on any ground be detected, legal action will be taken.
Personal and corporate information included in the e-mails sent to the owner of the site over this site is used for the purpose of replying to questions within the scope of the e-mail and/or meeting demands. Not until this information is required by official authorities is it shared by third parties or institutions. E-mail addresses are saved in order to keep in touch with the senders. These messages may not be secure as they are not coded. Therefore, it is suggested that no confidential information should be sent over our site via e-mail. In case it is preferred that any confidential information be sent to us via e-mail, it is accepted that the risk that a third party may obtain this confidential information shall be undertaken by the sender.
Downloading Files
Although all files shared by the site owner are loaded on the server after a virus scan, it is recommended that all downloaded files should be scanned for viruses. Neither the site nor the owner of the site shall be deemed responsible for possible damage to the systems that may occur because of any file obtained from the site.
Other Sites
This site may contain links to other sites that are not possessed by the site owner. These sites are not controlled by the site owner and no responsibility is taken for their content, products, services or privacy policy. Downloading information from these sites may harm intellectual property rights or cause a virus threat to your computer. Upon leaving this website, the privacy policies and usage registration and conditions of other sites should be examined. The terms of use and privacy policies of those sites are valid as long as one is surfing on or using those sites. Even the security of the sites asserting that they belong to the site owner or that are similar (including the ones linked with e-mail) should be questioned.
By accessing www.otuzbesincisokak.com, it is considered that you accept the Privacy Agreement. Your access to this site and usage of its content is subject to the hereby stated items and laws.
Akşan Etüd Müşavirlik Mühendislik A.Ş. reserves its right to amend the acts of this Privacy Agreement when necessary.
This agreement is only valid for the information offered and collected on this site and does not include other sources.
Contact Us
Please ask your questions regarding this privacy and security conditions via e-mail info@otuzbesincisokak.com or call us.